The Spectacular Now Chapter 16 Summary

  • Uh, what?
  • His car is nowhere to be found, he has no idea where he is or how he got there, and no clue who this girl is. Yikes.
  • The girl recognizes him, though – they were in a class together sophomore year.
  • Her name's Aimee Finecky, and she's out on her paper route. It's 5 am. 5 am! 
  • Sutter asks her for a ride, in exchange for helping her toss the papers out the window.
  • It turns out it's actually her and her mom's paper route, but her mom's at a casino with her boyfriend right now, so Annie's glad to have help.
  • Sutter gets pretty good at throwing the papers, but he's starting to worry about what his mom and stepdad will say about the Holly incident. Dun dun dun…