The Spectacular Now Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You've been drinking alcohol and driving my little boy around." (2.15)

Pros: Sutter stood Cassidy up to take this little boy home. Cons: he was drinking and driving. Gee, tough one. Not to mention some of his other options—like calling the police or getting someone else to drive the boy home.

Quote #2

Everything I do when I'm drinking is about creativity, broadening my horizons. It's actually educational. When I'm drinking, it's like I see another dimension to the world. (4.7)

Uh-huh. We're pretty sure this is about the oldest excuse in the book. If Sutter really believes this—well, he's just like the rest of the drunks.

Quote #3

The truth is I am God's own drunk. (4.8)

Sutter didn't come up with this one—it's a quote from a Jimmy Buffett. We suspect that living your life according to Jimmy Buffett songs doesn't even work for Jimmy Buffett.