The Spectacular Now Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Not that I don't hang out with the bad element every once in a while myself, but that's just me – I hang out with everyone. (2.5)

We know what Sutter thinks of these kids, but what do they think of him? Do the mailbox bashers think he's cool? What about the nerds in the cafeteria? And what do you think of him?

Quote #2

I'm being picky, though. This is a girl for Ricky after all, the dude I played Justice League with in fifth grade. He had my back then and I've got his now. (6.1)

For someone who's been abandoned by the most important person in his life, Sutter sure is loyal. We can't exactly say the same for Ricky, who abandons his friend-since-fifth-grade as soon as he finds a nice girl.

Quote #3

Why is it that now I'm friends with every single one of them and it's always fun when we run into each other? Why is it that girls like me so much but never love me? (10.16)

Oooh, ooh, we know why: because Sutter never got emotionally involved enough with his ex-girlfriends to cause any ill will. There's no reason to hate your ex if you never really loved him or her.