The Spectacular Now Chapter 52 Summary

  • They head back inside, but the prom seems pathetic to Sutter now. It's not a celebration of youth anymore, but a bunch of desperate kids about to be forced to grow up.
  • Sutter wants to liven things up again, so he sneaks over to the DJ's table while the guy's taking a break.
  • He tries to put his own Dean Martin CD in, but he can't figure out the equipment. He improves and sings some Dean Martin songs himself, on the mic.
  • Mr. Aster, who's there as a chaperone, tries to make Sutter sit back down.
  • Unfortunately, Sutter doesn't go quietly – and he calls his math teacher "Mr. Asterhole."
  • At the mic.
  • So Mr. Aster kicks him out of the prom.
  • Aimee's already gathered her things and is ready to go.