The Two Towers Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Two Towers.

Quote #1

WILDMAN: We will fight for you.

SARUMAN: Swear it. [A close up of the greedy smile that takes over his face. He looks on with immense satisfaction as the wildman cuts open the palm of his hand with a dagger.]

WILDMAN: We will die for Saruman.

SARUMAN: The horse-men took your lands; they drove your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks. Take back the lands they stole from you. Burn every village!

Go back and just look at the disgusting smile that Saruman has as the Wildman cuts his hand. He's obsessed with the power he has over people, he needs it and he wants more. But this isn't some spell he places over them; it sounds like the wildmen have reason for discontent. Saruman is simply using the deeds of Rohan's past against them.

Quote #2

ORC: [Staring hungrily at the juicy hobbits.] Just a mouthful, a bit of the flank.

URUK-HAI LEADER: [He cuts off the head of the Orc to stop him from harming the hobbits.] Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys.

Well, there's not a whole lot of loyalty amongst the orcs. Men and elves are very concerned with traditions regarding death, but the orcs don't have a problem with pounding down flesh of their own kin when it's available.

Quote #3

PIPPIN: And whose side are you on?

TREEBEARD: Side? I am on nobody's side because nobody's on my side, little orc. Nobody cares for the woods anymore.

Loyalty is a reciprocal thing. Pippin expects the ents to have some stake in the war, but Treebeard doesn't see why he should care for the world of men and elves when they haven't cared for the trees.