

Symbols and Tropes

Hero's Journey

Ever notice that every blockbuster movie has the same fundamental pieces? A hero, a journey, some conflicts to muck it all up, a reward, and the hero returning home and everybody applauding his or...


Middle-earth If you want some general coverage about what's up with this whole "Middle-earth" thing, you can head over to our setting analysis in The Fellowship of the Ring. In this guide, we're go...

Point of View

Extended Additions So maybe you've seen The Fellowship extended edition and thought, "well that was cute, we got to see Galadriel's gifts and a few wood elves." But if that's what you expected from...


Adventure, Action, Fantasy Just because The Two Towers cut down on the travelling montages doesn't mean it's any less adventurous, or action packed, or fantastical, than its predecessor. To get th...

What's Up With the Title?

Barad-dûr: one tower. Orthanc: one tower. Barad-dûr + Orthanc: two towers. Okay, we're glad we cleared that up; math can get pretty confusing when you're dealing with small quantities of massive...

What's Up With the Ending?

The first ending we see is the ending of Isengard. The trees and waters surrounding the fortress have won the day. Merry and Pippin find some food and, more importantly, some pipe weed. All is goo...

Shock Rating

PG-13Profanity? No. Sex? No. Drugs or alcohol? No. Is this movie even worth watching? Yes. Thanks to all the blood and gore…well, actually there isn't a whole lot of that either. Don't us wrong,...