The Two Towers Scene 15 Summary

  • Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas reach Eodras, which is the capital of Rohan and home of the Golden Hall of Meduseld.
  • Before they enter the hall to great Théoden, the guards remove their weapons, but leave Gandalf with his "walking stick."
  • As soon as they enter Wormtongue greets them with harsh words, but Gandalf merely brushes him off and heads for the King.
  • Wormtongue's thugs begin to attack Gandalf but Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn defend him.
  • He tries to force Saruman, who is in a sense possessing Théoden, out of Théoden's mind. Théoden merely laughs.
  • Then Gandalf throws of his gray shawl, revealing he is a white wizard. Using his new strength he throws Saruman out and we see him literally cast to the ground somewhere in Orthanc.
  • Théoden is alive again, and immediately looks much better.
  • He recognizes his daughter Erwin and then sees Wormtongue cowering in Gimli's grasp.
  • He takes his sword and goes to kill his deceiver, but Aragorn stops him, saying enough blood has already been spilled.
  • As Wormtongue flees, Théoden looks for Théodred, his son, who he finds has died in his absence.
  • A funeral is held for Théodred and afterward we see Gandalf and Théoden standing near the burial mounds.
  • Théoden weeps for the loss of his son and laments of the ends of times when the old linger and the young are lost.