The Yearling Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Yearling? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who said, "You've seed ol' Death at his tricks. You've messed around with ol' Starvation?"

Pa Baxter
Ma Baxter
Jody Baxter
Eulalie Boyles
Q. Who said, "I'm carryin' you with us to learn you. If you figger on frolickin', you kin stay home, too?"

Lem Forrester
Buck Forrester
Pa Baxter
Grandma Hutto
Q. Who said, "The one we cain't spare was the one was takened?"

Ma Baxter
Jody Baxter
Ma Forrester
Pa Forrester
Q. Who said, "Nobody but me don't take life serious?"

Ma Baxter
Jody Baxter
Q. Who said, "Why, you leetle ol' penny-piece, you. […] Leetle ol' Penny Baxter?"

Lem Forrester
Ma Baxter
Penny's father
Mr. Boyles