The Yearling Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Yearling? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What responsibility does Jody take on at the end of the book?

Working the farm
Dealing with the Forresters
Doctoring his Pa
Q. What is the main feature of Ory's appearance?

Too much make-up
Red Hair
Q. What does Flag help Jody do?

Grow up
Act more like a child
Bond with nature
Dance better
Q. What does Penny talk to Jody about when he comes home?

How hard life is
How mean his Ma is
How mean his Pa was to him
Q. What does Jody consider worse than Penny dying?

Flag dying
Ma dying
Penny betraying him
Hot air balloons