Roy Begay

Character Analysis

Roy Begay is the Tweedle Dee to Chester's Tweedle Dum, the Laurel to Chester's Hardy, the jelly to Chester's peanut butter. They're buds.

Roy Begay isn't just Chester's code talking partner during much of the campaign in the Pacific islands; he's also a school friend. In high school in Tuba City, the two of them make the decision together to join the Marines.

There are a lot of similarities between Roy and Chester, our hero. Chester says that both of them are "serious guys," and that they don't make "many jokes," but "laughed a lot with the other guys" (10.55). Roy Begay and Chester "depended on each other" (10.55).

Roy Begay, like Chester, is presented as something of a hero. He's courageous, he's hardworking, and he's reliable. He and Chester get through some seriously tough times (and we mean life-or-death tough times) in the Pacific islands together.

The relationship between Roy and Chester reflects just how tight the code talkers are. They're like brothers: they look out for each other, and the have each other's backs. During the campaign in the Pacific, Roy Begay is a big support for Chester.