Rebecka and Benjamin

Character Analysis

These two fine folks appear in 1944 as Erik's wife and son. They help take care of David and they argue on his behalf when Erik gets a little grumpy.

Rebecka is a middle-aged woman who "has an honest face" and who David thinks of as "sturdy" (3.4.16). That's a good look for a farmer's wife. Even though Rebecka's been through hardships, she hasn't let any of them break her. Running a farm is tough work, plus she's lost a daughter, but Rebecka just soldiers on. She also makes a mean pot of dragon orchid tea.

Benjamin might be a young man, but he spends a whole lot of time helping his dad out; it takes all hands to run a farm like theirs. He's probably the character that's the most enamored with David being there, and he's obviously read up on the war and is well-connected with people who are in the know about the war on the mainland. So he might even admire and look up to an airman like David, which Erik is probably not too pleased about.

Maybe this is why it seems like he's in conflict with Erik a whole lot more over David and the war. While Rebecka is reluctant to go against her husband's wishes and expose the family to danger, Benjamin is more open to the idea of the solider hanging out in their home. In fact, he's the one who warns David that Erik is burning his jacket with the picture of Merle in it. He also sets David's escape plan in motion by figuring out how they can get David off the island. The kid really does a whole lot to help.

Even though both mother and son play the most active role in taking care of David and getting him off Blessed Island, it's Erik's sacrifice that finally gets him home. In other words, David has an entire family to feel grateful to here.