Repossessed Chapter 10 Summary

  • In Shaun's first class, Kiriel thinks about how he can seduce Lane without hurting her.
  • According to him, he hasn't had any impact yet—positive or negative—and he'd like to keep it that way. He can't have Lane getting all mopey on him.
  • Just then, the teacher asks Shaun whether he'd like to join them in class. Yeah, he's completely zoned out and they're in the middle of a History lesson. Oops.
  • Kiriel tries to pay attention, but it's tough because he already knows everything there is to know about Roman history—after all, he remembers it all.
  • After class, he catches up with Lane in the hall. At first he follows her around, watching her and thinking about her body, and then he tells her that her hair is beautiful, which makes her smile.
  • Since Shaun's never paid attention to her before, she's a little confused and asks him why he's walking with her.
  • Kiriel's all because I want to… is that cool?
  • Of course it is, but Lane was just wondering why he's different today—he hardly ever smiles.
  • This makes Kiriel think: Maybe Lane is no dummy after all.