Repossessed Chapter 20 Summary

  • Kiriel's absolutely sure that they will come for him that night, so when he sees a shadowy figure across the room, he figures that's what happening.
  • It turns out it's Anius, his supervisor from hell. Like, for real. The guy warns him that he better return soon because people are getting annoyed—you can't just steal a body and think no one will notice.
  • Kiriel replies that he doesn't care because he's on vacation, even though Anius claims Kiriel doesn't need one.
  • When Kiriel asks about the IM that he got, Anius admits that he sent it. Who else would worry about Kiriel?
  • Then it dawns on Kiriel: No one else seems to know he's even gone, so he can stay longer. No one sent Anius to collect him; the guy chose to come himself.
  • He admits to himself that he's a little sad—he thought he was more important than that, that at least the Boss would care if he were gone.
  • It turns out he doesn't.