Repossessed Theme of Spirituality

First things first: Spirituality is not religion. Instead, spirituality can be any number of things to any number of people—spirituality is more about personal feeling than formalized practice. And since in Repossessed, though Kiriel talks about the specific Creator and Boss (a.k.a. Devil), he's more interested in the feelings he gets from these macho dudes, we think this book is more about spirituality than it is about religion. Kiriel is trying to have a critical relationship with how hell makes him feel, and because of this, he's on a spiritual journey. Happy trails to him.

Questions About Spirituality

  1. What are the different paths to spirituality in Repossessed? How does Kiriel's journey compare to an Unfallen angel's?
  2. Who or what does Kiriel believe in? Do you think his retelling of getting kicked out of heaven is unbiased?
  3. When Kiriel sees the earth with eyes for the first time, he gives props to the Creator. What prompts this? Why does he respond to the earth in this way? How is his idea of it different down below?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Even though Kiriel is a demon, he appreciates the beauty in nature and life, giving him a deep spirituality.

Kiriel's spiritual journey emphasizes the importance of questioning the Creator rather than blindly following him.