Repossessed Chapter 3 Summary

  • Kiriel doesn't think human sins are a big deal. So you get jealous once in a while… who doesn't?
  • Still, he knows he wants to try some of these sins out. He figures people wouldn't keep being lazy or glutinous if doing so weren't fun.
  • Why do people call them the seven deadly sins anyway? It's not like they kill you or anything.
  • Kiriel knows the sin he wants to try the most: masturbation. It's a natural thing to do in his mind, but lots of humans feel guilty about it.
  • In the shower, Kiriel gives it the old college try. This is where he's seen Shaun do it before (um… creepy), and he figures he should follow the guy's lead.
  • It turns out it's a really fun thing to do—Kiriel wants to stay in the shower for as long as possible. Pro tip from the demon: Knowing about pleasure is not the same as feeling it.
  • It's too bad Shaun doesn't have a girlfriend, because then Kiriel would really have fun.
  • He decides that he's going to help his buddy out and get him a girl. Hey, just because Shaun is no longer around doesn't mean his body can't have a good time.