Three Times Lucky Chapter 18 Summary

Miss Lana!

  • By the next day, Dale and Mo have come up with a genius way to raise money for Lavender's car at the Mimosa Festival: They've divided the surface area of Lavender's car into a bunch of smaller spaces and are planning to sell ad space. Pretty good, huh?
  • Plenty of townspeople stop by to buy spaces, and by the end of the night they've made over a thousand dollars.
  • Lavender even kisses Mo on the cheek, which thrills her to no end. It's her first kiss ever and it's from her biggest crush ever. Boom.
  • She runs back to her house with Dale behind her, but when she arrives, she stops cold. Their whole place looks like it's been ransacked, and she screams at Dale to help her find Miss Lana.
  • On the kitchen table, they find a note that says: "Starr—we both need something. You help me and I'll help you." Oh no… The killer's taken Miss Lana.
  • Detective Starr and Deputy Marla show up to search the house. The detective asks Mo lots of questions but she starts shaking and going into shock.
  • Miss Rose shows up and wraps Mo in a hug. At that moment, Mo bursts into tears as Miss Rose assures her that they'll find Miss Lana.
  • Detective Starr has them look through some mug shots on the computer and Dale asks him why his bodyguard is one of the men.
  • The detective tells him that it's Robert Slate, a bank robber. And then they all realize that the man who's been following Dale isn't a bodyguard… he's the murderer.
  • Miss Rose goes upstairs to pack up some of Mo's belongings so that she can come stay at their house—you know, until Miss Lana and the Colonel return.