Three Times Lucky Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"She can't," Dale said, swinging his legs over the side of his bed. "Me and Mo are opening the café today." (1.25)

Only a true friend will wake up at the crack of dawn to help you out with work… for free. That's the kind of friend that Dale is, though, so when Mo tells him that she has to open the café, he hops out of bed and comes along with her.

Quote #2

"Tomorrow, then." He grinned, grabbing the CLOSED sign and flipping it to OPEN.

Dale's my best friend. By now, you can see why. (1.42-43)

Dale doesn't even complain about the fact that they can't go fishing like he wanted and that they have to work instead. He's definitely the easygoing Robin to Mo's Batman.

Quote #3

Dale exasperates me to tears. He hates fighting. I figure it's because of his daddy. Fortunately, I'm a good enough scrapper for both of us, most days. "Hands up!" I shouted. Dale raised his fists, looking awkward and scared. (7.92)

This best friendship isn't a one-way street, and Dale's not just always helping Mo out when she gets into scrapes. She's always there for him, too. She's brave and will fight off anyone (or anything) to protect him.