Three Times Lucky Theme of Love

In Three Times Lucky, Mo is surrounded by the love of her community and untraditional family, even if she doesn't know who her birth mother is. It's obvious that the Colonel and Miss Lana love her very much and would protect her against all odds, and that Dale's family feels similarly about her. After Miss Lana is taken hostage, Miss Rose and other community members rally together to make sure Mo is well cared for. They treat her like she's family and she treats them in the same way because they all love and care about each other. This book may be short on romance, but it's big on love.

Questions About Love

  1. What does Miss Rose mean when she says that sometimes she thinks that Mo loves Lavender just as much as she does? Why does Mo connect with Dale's family to the degree she does?
  2. How do Mo and Dale show their love for each other? Be specific, yo.
  3. We see family, marriages, friendships, and more in this book, but which form of love is presented as the strongest? Remember to back your claim up with evidence from the text.

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The Colonel may not be a very openly affectionate man, but he shows his love for Mo and Miss Lana in the way that he takes care of and protects them.

Deputy Marla is led astray by her love for Robert Slate when he convinces her to help him get away with the murders and find the bank robbery loot.