Three Times Lucky Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Three Times Lucky.

Family Quotes

Lucky three times when Miss Lana took me in like I was her own, and kept me. (3.11)

Friendship Quotes

"She can't," Dale said, swinging his legs over the side of his bed. "Me and Mo are opening the café today." (1.25)

Community Quotes

"I don't see why you do that," he said, watching me. "Everybody in town knows that door won't lock." "I don't do this for everybody in town; I do it in case of strangers. You can't be too careful a...

Love Quotes

Lavender's handsome in the NASCAR way, and if I was old enough I'd snatch him up and marry him before sundown. I've asked him plenty of times already, starting the day I turned six. (4.24)

Lies and Deceit Quotes

I tried not to sound impressed. "You stole Mr. Jesse's boat?" He studied his fingernails. "I wouldn't say stole," he said. "But I did borrow it pretty strong." (1.39-40)

Justice and Judgment Quotes

Only Mr. Jesse hung behind. "Don't see why folks care about a murder a half day from here when they don't give a Fig Newton about my boat," he said, pushing his three dollars across the counter and...

Truth Quotes

So far, my life is one big, fat mystery. At the heart lies this question: Who is my Upstream Mother, and why hasn't she come for me? (3.2)

Memory and the Past Quotes

I was born eleven years ago, during one of the meanest hurricanes in history. That night as people slept, they say, the rivers rose like a mutiny and pushed ashore, shouldering houses off foundatio...

Identity Quotes

"It's not like the Colonel to lie," he said. "Of course, he's always been a mystery. We don't really know where he's from, or who his folks are." He flushed. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded,...

Perseverance Quotes

"We are safe, but there is a killer among us. We must prepare to defend ourselves if necessary. And the best defense is what, Soldier?" "A good offense," I said. "You've told me a million times." (...