Three Times Lucky Theme of Justice and Judgment

The whole arc of the story in Three Times Lucky depends on chasing down a murderer and bringing him to justice. Detective Starr has come to town to find the murderer (because it's his job), but Mo and her best friend Dale are also interested in solving the mystery—especially after the murderer kidnaps Mo's beloved Miss Lana. Together they find clues, discover lies, and track down the murderer before he can hurt the people they love. It's a pretty satisfying end to a murder mystery.

Questions About Justice and Judgment

  1. Why does Mo decide to trust Deputy Marla? How about other characters?
  2. Is it totally cool that Dale never gets in trouble for deceiving Mr. Jesse? Why or why not?
  3. What do you make of the Colonel's hatred for lawyers? What does this tell you about justice?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The reason the Colonel hates lawyers so much is that he knows their job is to help their clients, not necessarily pursue justice.

After years of abusing his lovely family, Mr. Macon finally gets what he deserves when Miss Rose and Dale stand up to him and he's arrested for aiding a criminal.