Why We Broke Up Chapter 29 Summary

  • Flashback to Halloween. Min wakes up early to go to Tip Top Goods, where she buys two old-fashioned keys.
  • Min goes home to spray-paint a cap to match her father's coat, which is part of her costume.
  • Min's mom brings her some tea and makes a joke about Min's dad. Evidently, they're divorced.
  • Min's mom wants to meet Ed. She seems suspicious of him, somehow; she knows he runs in a different social circle.
  • Min wants her mom to stay out of her business. Still, she indulges her mom a little: Min shows her mom the keys and explains that she plans to give them to Ed at the end of the night.
  • Min's mom thinks the giving of the keys is just a symbol for sex. And you know? She's not wrong, exactly. Min is super annoyed.
  • Later that evening, Min arrives at the first Halloween party. She's in Ed's territory, and everyone is awful.
  • To wit: Min is greeted by Jillian, who is drunk and scandalized because she thinks Min's wearing a Hitler costume.
  • Ed hasn't arrived yet, so Min talks to his friend, Trevor. Trevor recently broke his foot, so he's not participating in the group costume.
  • Trevor knows a lot about Min. Ed told him about the trip to Tip Top Goods, Lottie Carson's birthday party, and the fact that Min doesn't like beer. Ed tells him everything, you see.
  • Speaking of Ed, he's finally arrived and he's jealous to see Min laughing with Trevor. Yay.
  • Trevor makes a crack about how Min's a virgin. Wow—Ed really does tell him everything.
  • Min is furious, but Ed can't chase after her because he's chained to the rest of the basketball team.
  • If the party hadn't already been a living nightmare for Min, it was now. She stumbles around, angry and disoriented.
  • Ed and the rest of his chain gang get up on a stage and perform some sort of dance. Afterward, he vanishes for another thirty-eight minutes. Not that Min's counting or anything…
  • Finally, Ed finds Min in the crowd. He apologizes twenty-six times, one apology for each day they've been together. Aw…
  • Min's still mad, but she's moved by Ed's apologies, and now she's crying. She did not want to cry, but it is what it is.
  • She tells Ed that he can start to make it up to her by leaving the party to get coffee. They go to the coffee shop and Ed buys a round of coffee for all the patrons. Okay, so there's just one other guy in the shop, but still.
  • Ed goes in the bathroom and finds a tag for a concert that's being held the next afternoon. (This tag is the next item in the breakup box.) It's the guy who drums for Hawk Davies. He begs Min to go with him, and she says yes. They leave the coffee shop and make their way to Halloween party number two.
  • As they take a shortcut through the cemetery, Ed mentions that he almost suggested it as the setting for Lottie Carson's birthday party, but decided it would be too morbid on account of Carson's age.
  • Now the couple has arrived at the party. Ed makes a dash for the bathroom, while Min heads to the cloakroom, where she runs into her ex-boyfriend, Joe.
  • Joe asks Min about her costume—he also thinks she looks like Hitler—and they drink spiked punch.
  • Joe asks Min how things are going with Ed. They proceed to have an awkward conversation about dating.
  • Joe asks Min to dance, and while she realizes he's drunk, she doesn't care. Why not dance?
  • They're on the dance floor, and Min's unbuttoning her costume to reveal her bra. The dancing is super erotic.
  • Is Min just having fun, or is she doing this out of revenge? Maybe a little of both.
  • The song ends and Min leaves the dance floor without looking back; then she kisses Ed, and they leave the party together.