Why We Broke Up Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Watching you go, Al watching you go, watching Al watching you go, and realizing I had to say you were a jerk to do that and not being able to make those words work." (11.68)

Sometimes when Min is forced to see her relationship with Ed through Al's eyes, she doesn't like what she sees.

Quote #2

We'd agreed, with more debate and diplomacy than that Nigel Krath's seven-hour miniseries on Cardinal Richelieu, that we'd have an early dinner or a post-coffee, post-practice snack or whatever you call it when it's sunset and you're really supposed to be home but instead you're having waffle-iron grilled cheeses and scalding watery tomato soup at a place of neutral territory. (12.2)

Ed and Min are from two different worlds, at least in terms of social circles. Their friend groups have zero overlap, making it difficult for Min to integrate Ed into her "real" life.

Quote #3

Or was I ashamed of my friends? Was that it, Min? I said you had practice and they said that was no excuse and I said of course it was and Lauren said maybe if we didn't invite you, like with Al's party, maybe then you'd show up. (12.2)

Is Min really ashamed of her friends? Or is she ashamed of Ed? Maybe she's ashamed both, or maybe she's ashamed of neither. What do you think?