Why We Broke Up Chapter 43 Summary

  • We've finally reached the bottom of the breakup box. The last item for our consideration is a jar of chestnuts that Ed once told Min was an essential Thanksgiving ingredient. The illustration shows us that the chestnuts are Minerve brand. (Hmm… Minerve is only one letter away from Minerva, Min's full name.) Apparently, these chestnuts are rare and hard to find.
  • Min purchased the chestnuts in preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner she and Ed never had. Now she and Al are going to re-appropriate the chestnuts as part of an appetizer for an elegant supper they're planning for New Year's.
  • The supper they're planning isn't in honor of anything; it's not a pipe dream, like the birthday for Lottie Carson.
  • Min says that she's "sorry to hear about Annette" (43.10), from which we infer that Ed and Annette are no longer a thing.
  • But you know who might be a thing? Min and Al. It hasn't happened yet, but with Min's mention of a "love interest that sneaks upon you" (43.10), the book ends on a note of possibility.