Why We Broke Up Theme of Lust

Why We Broke Up may not be a sexy vampire story, but Min Green knows a thing or two about lust. She feels it acutely for Ed Slaterton, and even after their breakup, she just can't quit gushing about how gosh darn hot he is. For a long time (well, five weeks), Min lets her desire eclipse her better judgment, ignoring warning signs that Ed isn't all she cracks him up to be. But when she finds out about his lust for other women, she can't stand the sight of him. "I could have touched you, wanted to, couldn't stand it," she writes. "Who were you, Ed? What could I do with you?" (40.88). It's the beginning of the end, for sure.

Questions About Lust

  1. Min often describes Ed in terms of his body, but we never hear any concrete details, like his hair and eye colors. For that matter, we don't get descriptions like those of anyone in the book. Why do you think the author omitted these details?
  2. Sometimes Min jokes uneasily about Ed's sexual experience. Why does it make her uncomfortable?
  3. Min tells Ed she doesn't want to lose her virginity in his bed; she wants the circumstances to be extraordinary. What do you think that's about?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

On the surface, Why We Broke Up is a love story, but the plot revolves mainly around sex.

Min's lust for Ed is broadcast clearly through her sensual descriptions of his body.