Why We Broke Up Theme of Love

Perhaps unsurprisingly based on the title, love is a central theme in Why We Broke Up. Problem is, the word means different things to different characters. Min's love for Ed is more epic and melancholy than a Smiths song, while Ed's love is more jubilant and insincere, like a pop song that shoots up the charts, only to fall off when the next thing comes along. Spoiler alert: The next thing to come along is Annette. And yes, Min's totally crushed when she finds out. Which leaves us with a question for you: Is it always better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all?

Questions About Love

  1. In Why We Broke Up, characters have a lot of different ideas about love. How do these differences of opinion cause conflict? Give examples to support your claim.
  2. Do you think Min's love for Ed was one-sided? Why or why not?
  3. Min says she isn't in love with Ed anymore. Do you believe her? Explain your answer.

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In the world of Why We Broke Up, romantic love is more important than anything.

Why We Broke Up makes a strong case for the old adage that opposites attract.