Forgotten Fire Chapter 10 Summary

  • Vahan wakes to a gun-wielding Turkish man telling him not to be afraid. Um, okay, sure. You go with that, dude.
  • The man asks him how old he is, and Vahan answers twelve. Then the man tells him to pull his pants down, and Vahan obeys.
  • Next, the man rubs Vahan between his legs, but just then, Sisak wakes up, sees what's going on, and hits the guy over the head with a rock.
  • Sisak asks Vahan if he's okay, and he tells his bro he is, even though he's not sure it's true; the boys run off and try to find somewhere safe to sleep.
  • When they wake up, they try to figure out where to go. The only problem is they're not sure which places are safe, and which the Turks have already taken over.
  • Sisak stops cold in his tracks. He sees some gendarmes up ahead and knows they will be caught, so he tells Vahan to take off his shoes and stay quiet.
  • When the coast is clear, the boys make a run for it. They go as fast as they can away from the gendarmes, and somehow get separated in the twists and turns of the narrow and dark streets.
  • Vahan is lost. He doesn't know where his brother is, and he's not sure where to go either—he's literally got nowhere to turn.
  • Finally he decides to go to his friend Pattoo's place.