Forgotten Fire Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Author Adam Bagdasarian got the idea for Forgotten Fire from his great-uncle, Vahridj Kenderian. Sound familiar? Vahridj was alive during the Armenian genocide and inspired the story. (Source.)

If you thought you saw some Edgar Allan Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, or Ernest Hemingway lurking behind the words in the book, then you know your lit. The author counts those heavyweights among his favorite writers, and said they inspired him to write this book. (Source.)

Vahan ends up in Constantinople, but if you look on Google Maps, you won't find it there. Even our favorite cartoon characters want to know why Constantinople is now called Istanbul, which they tell us in a funny video. (Source.)

Armenian genocide wasn't a term used until 2004 because it was a sticky subject for a lot of people. Even today, the Turkish government denies the genocide even took place. (Source.)