Forgotten Fire Chapter 21 Summary

  • A week later, Vahan leaves with a Turkish soldier for Selim's dad's pad in Andreas. Vahan is afraid to speak, but the soldier chats with him about the governor.
  • The soldier, Tovar, thinks Selim is pretty great and asks Vahan is he agrees—Vahan doesn't say anything in response, though.
  • Then Tovar asks what Vahan thinks of the war. Uh, he hates it, dude.
  • Next up in this little chat is the topic of women. How gorgeous are the women where Vahan is from, on a scale of one to ten?
  • Vahan knows this guy is polite and has nice eyes, and a year ago, he would have believed that was the end of the story… but now he knows better.
  • He knows people aren't always what they seem, so he decides not to trust Tovar.
  • Five days later, they get to General Khalil's house, where Vahan is to sleep in the stable (some more). He notices an Armenian servant woman accidentally brush against the general's wife and apologize profusely—Vahan's not sure what she did wrong, but everyone acts like it's a really big deal.
  • He meets the general's wife who points out the general. Vahan imagines that if she had told him the general was the gardener and had lost his mind, he wouldn't have been surprised.