godless Chapter 13 Summary

  • Jason calls Magda, who had called to apologize for dumping the Brainblaster on him. Jason second-guesses everything Magda says, and everything he says to her. "I'm glad I'm not trying to have a conversation with me. It must be boring as hell. What can I say that is interesting?" (13.48).
  • He tells her he climbed the tower. She's astonished that he went up with Henry, and now she wants to climb it too.
  • Ninja Jason sneaks to Shin's at midnight. While Shin changes from X-men PJs, Jason flips through his sketchbook.
  • Shin has written Genesis—"the first Book of the Sacred Text" (13.82). There are about sixty pages of text, with a few tiny drawings of water towers. Shin tells him, "'It's like it's not even me writing. I just watch the pen move across the page. I think maybe I'm channeling him'" (13.95). "Him" is the Ten-legged One, in case you weren't sure—and Genesis is also the name of the first book in the Bible. 
  • Jason doesn't know what to think: "We lock eyes for a few seconds and I swear to god—whatever god you want—I have absolutely no idea whether or not he's kidding" (13.98). Uh-oh?