godless Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I am about to lie to my best friend. Because the real reason I didn't call him was because I knew Henry would act like a jerk around him, and Shin would do his whiny Shin thing, and Henry would laugh at us both and I would never find out how he climbed the water tower. (12.23)

Clearly Jason does not like to lie to Shin. Although he's going to do it, he thinks it through first, justifying it.

Quote #2

Being the leader of a growing religion is not all power and glory. For one thing, there is way too much politics. In other words, you have to lie a lot. (14.1)

You have to lie a lot? Does Jason have no other choices? We think there might be a compelling argument for starting a new religion and insisting on truth as you do so.

Quote #3

I told Magda that I would take her up the next time I climbed the water tower. But I knew that I would be going up with Shin that very night, so I couldn't invite her to come. […] I was sure that Shin would fail […] and I didn't want him to fail in front of Magda. That was a good lie, I told myself. (14.3)

Is there such thing as a good lie? What about a white lie? Jason does a lot of justifying his lies to himself in this book.