godless Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[My mom] has this enormous book describing every illness known to man, from nail fungus to caner of the eye-ball. She reads it the way some people read the Bible. (2.46)

What does it mean to worship something? What kinds of things do people focus their time and energy on in our society? iPhones? Beamers? Red-carpet celebrities?

Quote #2

"Dear Lord, Al Anderson here. Just wanted to say thanks for giving me another day here on planet Earth, and for getting every one of these kids here safely. We appreciate it, Lord. You're one heck of a guy." (3.6)

Why do you think Jason is "mildly amused" the first time he hears Just Al pray this? Why does he get sick of it? Paying attention to how Jason responds to other people's relationship with their faith is one way to track his development in this book.

Quote #3

"Can you be Buddhist and Catholic at the same time?" (3.14)

To what degree is a religious affiliation a demographic box to check off, and to what extent is it a matter of heart-felt faith? We think it probably depends on who you ask.