godless Theme of Lies and Deceit

For the most part, protagonist Jason Bock is a straight-shooting, frank kid in godless. He says what's on his mind even when it's likely to land him in hot water—and while the guy will sneak out of the house when grounded, break curfew, and use the phone when he's lost that privilege, he doesn't lie to his parents.

Where we do see the theme of deceit played out is in Jason's other relationships, particularly with his best friend, Shin. Often Jason justifies his lies as being "good" lies—ones that protect others or serve a higher purpose.

Questions About Lies and Deceit

  1. Do any of Jason's lies come back to bite him or blow up in his face? Which, and what happens?
  2. In what way(s) does Jason manipulate people, without actually lying?
  3. A couple of times Jason let's people keep their incorrect assumptions they make, without actually having crafted a deceit. Do you consider this to be lying?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

It's okay to lie in certain circumstances. For example, there's nothing wrong with telling white lies—ones that protect someone without harming anyone else.

It's never okay to lie.