Shaun Simmons

Character Analysis

We don't spend any time with Shaun, but it's worth mentioning him here on account of the fact that Kiriel borrows his body for pretty much the whole book. We sure feel like we spend time with the guy since Kiriel is in his body and everyone's saying Shaun's name all the time. We learn about his family and friends, and even his bathroom habits, so even though Shaun isn't there, Kiriel's story definitely makes a big impact on his life.

The angel tells Kiriel, "Shaun will regain possession of his body. He will get those lost moments back. And more. You have interrupted the trajectory of his existence. He requires more time now, to rebuild an arc that is uniquely his" (24.47). Score—Shaun will get to keep on living his life. We can't think of a better ending for a kid who got his body stolen. The only question is: Do you think Shaun will appreciate his life, or will he still live a ho-hum existence? Over to you, Shmoopers.