Stolen Theme of Compassion and Forgiveness

Think of the last time you flopped on the couch, stuffed your face with cookies and chips, and took in an eight-hour Law & Order: SVU marathon. (Don't even try to deny it because we know you've done it.) Typically, when a girl gets abducted, it doesn't end well for her—she usually ends up sexually assaulted or dead or damaged for life.

We expect all of these things from Ty when he kidnaps Gemma in Stolen, and yet they just don't happen. Ty diverges from the typical criminal stereotype in the odd compassion he shows his victim, even sacrificing his freedom for her in the end. Meanwhile, it's this kindness that allows Gemma to forgive him and offer him the hope that he can change.

Questions About Compassion and Forgiveness

  1. What's the motivation behind Ty's kindness to Gemma? What does he expect to accomplish or gain from it? Remember to back up your answer with evidence from the text.
  2. What does Gemma do to draw Ty's attention in the first place? How does he perceive her as different from other people? Is he right? Why or why not?
  3. Why does Ty allow Gemma to try to escape? Why does he take care of her rather than punish her for it? Is this compassion, manipulation, or something else? Be specific and dig into the text for support.
  4. Why does Gemma choose to tell the truth about Ty? How is sending him to jail the compassionate course of action to take?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Ty repeatedly lets Gemma escape to reveal her need for him for survival.

Sending Ty to jail is an act of forgiveness and compassion for Gemma, not revenge.