Stolen Sections 51-55 Summary

Section Break 51

  • That night, Gemma has trouble sleeping again. She can hear Ty talking to himself, but he eventually stops and she wonders if he was having a dream.

Section Break 52

  • The next morning, Gemma asks him to continue the story of how he got there by explaining how he got the equipment to build the property.
  • Ty says he had a truck and confesses that there's a mine site nearby where he stored things. Gemma asks if they can go there, but he says no.
  • She can't stop thinking about it, though, wondering if there could possibly be people there.
  • While Ty goes outside, Gemma goes to the spare room and looks through books about Australian plant life, thinking she might be able to find some clues about where she is, but nothing turns up.
  • There's an old sewing machine in the room. Gemma breaks the needle off, wondering if it could do enough damage to hurt someone. She puts it in her pocket when she hears Ty come in the house.
  • Ty says his hands still hurt too much from the rooster encounter to do any work. He asks if she wants to go for a walk, and Gemma says yes, thinking that perhaps the walk might lead them to the mine site.

Section Break 53

  • Ty takes a basket on their walk and begins collecting leaves. Still thinking that she might be able to use plants to identify where she is, Gemma asks what type of plant it is. Ty says it's saltbush, a plant that grows everywhere and has both medicinal and food purposes.
  • He shows her other plants, explaining that in Australia, plants look dead as a survival tactic. He also tells weird stories about trees that are haunted by spirits.
  • Gemma still has the needle in her pocket and is studying his face, trying to figure out a way to attack him with it.
  • She finally approaches him and presses the needle to the skin on his eyelid, threatening to push down. Ty starts laughing and thinks it's a joke, but Gemma continues demanding that he let her escape.
  • Ty tells her this is impossible because—again—she'd die out there by herself.
  • Gemma doesn't listen. With the needle still on his eye, she frisks him, looking for the keys.
  • Finally, he pulls it away from his eye and tells her to go ahead and see how far she can get.

Section Break 54

  • Gemma makes a run for the car, taking a minute to say goodbye to the camel. She tries to start the car and notices Ty running after her, shouting for her to stop.
  • When the car finally gets going, he chases after her, yelling that she'll regret this. He tries to stop her by hurling plants and rocks at the car, but she keeps going.
  • Does she regret leaving? We don't think so.

Section Break 55

  • After some initial problems learning to drive in the sand, Gemma hits the road—if you can call a bunch of sand a road.
  • Drive like the wind, girl.