Stolen Sections 76-80 Summary

Section Break 76

  • Gemma walks into the painting shed to find the room sparkling and transformed, with Ty standing there naked, his whole body painted. He asks Gemma to paint patterns on his back with the milky residue from the leaves and the red paint he's made.
  • She at first refuses, but he begs her to, telling her she needs to understand how she's part of the land. She finally agrees.
  • When the sun sets, the room is illuminated, making Gemma feel like she's in the midst of a fire. They smoke cigarettes made out of leaves and watch the room glow. Gemma thinks it's more beautiful and real than the paintings she's seen her mother buy.

Section Break 77

  • When the sun goes down, Gemma and Ty leave the painted building and go sit on the porch under the stars. Gemma seems to want to be alone, but Ty comes along anyway.
  • They look up at the stars and talk. At one point, Gemma finds herself wanting to kiss him. What? Just a reminder, this guy drugged and abducted her and is currently holding her hostage.
  • Gemma, at least, recognizes that these are some really messed up things to be feeling.
  • Ty tells her the story of a constellation in the sky called the Sisters—two beautiful women who had nature spring up behind them wherever they walked.
  • One day, a spirit who had been watching them decided to take them as his wives. Since then, they've been running across the sky from him, and he can never quite catch them.

Section Break 78

  • They continue lying under the stars. Ty asks Gemma if she can find London in the sky, and she imagines a constellation that looks something like Big Ben.
  • This makes Gemma think about how back home, school would be getting ready to start again. She wonders if Anna and Ben have moved on and given up on her coming back.
  • Gemma asks Ty if he would still take her if they were back in London and he knew the person she really was. He says yes, and that he'll never let go of her.
  • Ty begins to tell her legends about the creation of the desert, and they eventually fall asleep together in the sand.

Section Break 79

  • Gemma wakes up to find a message in the sand that Ty went out to catch a snake. She decides to try to find him and walks barefoot toward the Separates.
  • Ty discovers Gemma among the boulders and asks where her boots are, and Gemma remembers that he's supposed to be out looking for a snake. Ty says that the snake isn't aggressive, and she'll be OK as long as she doesn't step in the sand and keeps an eye on where she walks.
  • The snake and Ty have a standoff, each of them seeing who will move first. The snake, however, surprises him by going toward Gemma, who tries to move away.
  • In an effort to escape the snake, she steps on him and he bites her foot before slithering off.

Section Break 80

  • Ty tells Gemma to take off her shirt so he can use it as a tourniquet to stop the venom from going up her leg. He tells her she needs to tell him everything she feels physically in case he's not able to keep it contained.
  • He carries her back to the house, telling her he won't let anything happen to her. As they travel back to the house, Gemma begins to get a headache and her leg starts to ache.
  • This can't be good.