Stolen Sections 26-30 Summary

Section Break 26

  • Ty attempts to talk to Gemma and bring her things, but Gemma refuses to talk to him. Instead, she struggles to remember her family—their morning routine, the color of her dad's tie, her mom's facial features. She feels guilty for not being able to remember.
  • She thinks about her best friend, Anna, who's gone away with Ben for the summer, and she wonders if the two of them even know she's gone.

Section Break 27

  • When Gemma wakes up next, Ty is sitting in a chair next to her bed, watching her. She continues imagining that she's at home and Ben is the one at her side, not Ty. She lies still and refuses to talk to him or look at him.
  • Ty tells Gemma that he knows what it's like to not want to talk; when he was younger, after he found this place, he stopped talking altogether. He moves to distract her, causing her to look at him.

Section Break 28

  • Gemma finds an empty notebook on her bedside table, along with a pencil. She jabs herself in the finger with it.

Section Break 29

  • Gemma tries to draw pictures of her family and friends in the notebook, but she's a terrible artist and they look nothing like the real thing.
  • Then, she tries to write a letter to her parents but gets overwhelmed with everything she has to say to them.
  • Finally, she starts writing down synonyms related to being in captivity; then, she scratches them out.

Section Break 30

  • Gemma finds herself in pain and unable to sleep anymore, so she gets up and puts on some of her new clothes, then pees and washes her face.
  • She finds Ty in the kitchen with a bunch of small glass bottles spread out around the tabletop, making notes on a piece of paper. Gemma suspects he's using drugs, which makes an already dysfunctional situation way worse than she thought. Oh, good.
  • Gemma walks out onto the porch and stares at the Separates, contemplating whether she could write "help" in the sand and actually have anyone fly over and see it. She realizes it's hopeless.
  • Ty joins her outside and says he's glad she got up. He offers her food, which she declines, and asks if she wants to talk, which she's also not really willing to do.
  • Eventually, he starts talking about his plan to get her out to Australia. He says the plot to kidnap her took two years to develop but that he'd actually been watching her for a lot longer than that. Like, six years. Whoa.
  • This is obviously really creepy, and Gemma doesn't want to believe it. At the same time, though, she recalls some memories of a weird guy being around and wonders if it could have been him.
  • Still, to Ty, she denies ever meeting him before the airport. He tells her, though, that eventually she will remember.