Stolen Sections 86-90 Summary

Section Break 86

  • It's still raining, but Ty seems to think they can't afford to stop any longer; he loads Gemma back onto the camel and starts traveling again.
  • Gemma feels the rain on her face and finds it healing and comforting, like it's keeping her alive.
  • Finally, they get to the car. Ty gets it started and carries her into the car, asking if she wants to say goodbye to the camel before he releases her back into the wild.
  • He brings the camel to the car, and she leans her head in to say goodbye. Gemma finds herself suddenly concerned about how Ty will find her again.
  • As Ty drives away, the camel chases the car until she can't anymore. Gemma says goodbye to her through the window.

Section Break 87

  • Just riding in the car through the sand sends waves of pain through Gemma's muscles. In the distance, she hears Ty telling her they are almost there.
  • Next thing she knows, Ty is looking at her from the driver's seat to tell her they've arrived at the mine site.

Section Break 88

  • Ty forces Gemma to chew more of the bitter leaves, which help her stay awake. She's finding it more and more difficult to do this, though, like her body is getting ready to shut down.
  • Ty takes her to someone who puts her on a table and jabs her with a needle. Suddenly, Gemma can breathe better.

Section Break 89

  • They drive to a tarmac, and Ty carries Gemma onto a plane and lies her down. He starts talking to her and is crying.
  • People continue putting masks over her face and putting needles in her, but Gemma keeps her eyes on Ty the whole flight, not wanting to be left alone.

Section Break 90

  • When the plane lands, Gemma is loaded onto a stretcher and wheeled through sliding doors. Ty begins to cry, knowing it's time to say goodbye to her. He tries to tell her she'll be okay, but Gemma keeps shaking her head—she doesn't want him to go.
  • Gemma grabs onto him and pulls him toward her, pulling his head down toward hers. Then, someone takes him away, and she's taken through more doors. Eventually, she blacks out.