Stolen Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Stolen.

Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

You took your head from your hands. Your eyes flashed at me for a moment, but they weren't icy. They'd thawed a little. They looked wet. For a second I wondered if you'd been crying, too. You saw m...

Isolation Quotes

I made a sort of choking noise. As far as I could see, there was nothing. There was only flat, continuous brown land leading out to the horizon. Sand and more sand, with tussocks of small scrubby b...

Man and the Natural World Quotes

You were beautiful in a rough sort of way, but you were older than I'd realized […] From a distance, when I'd seen you at the check-in line, your body had looked thin and small, like the eighteen...

Memory and the Past Quotes

Your eyes were flicking nervously all over the place, not always able to meet my gaze. That edginess made you seem shy, made me like you even more. But there was still something about you, hovering...

Rules and Order Quotes

"So," you murmured. "What is it you want to do, then? Get a job like your dad? Travel like your mom?"I shrugged. "That's what they'd like. I don't know. Nothing really seems right.""Not … meaning...

Power Quotes

You saw me before I saw you. In the airport, that day in August, you had that look in your eyes, as though you wanted something from me, as though you'd wanted it for a long time. No one had ever l...

Contrasting Regions Quotes

"I've never been to Vietnam," you said eventually."Or me. I'd rather go to America.""Really? All those cities, those people?" (1.56-58)

Freedom and Confinement Quotes

When I woke, I was back in the double bed with a cool, damp bandage around my wrist. I was no longer wearing the jeans. My feet were tied to the bedposts with hard, scratchy rope. There were bandag...

Madness Quotes

"Why am I here?" I whispered.You patted your pockets, then pulled out a box of matches. You gestured toward the rocks. "Because it's magic, this place … beautiful. And you're beautiful … beauti...

Art and Culture Quotes

"I mean, they just collect stuff. Dad collects other people's money and Mum collects people's drawings. What do they really do that's theirs?" (1.43)