Three Times Lucky Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Three Times Lucky? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What meteorological event brings Mo to the town of Tupelo Landing?

Raining cats and dogs
Summer storm
Q. Which of these is not a regular theme at the café?

Karate Night
French Diner
Techno Rave
All of these are themes at the café
Q. Who does Mo regularly write letters to?

Her upstream mother
Her nana
President Obama
Santa Claus
Q. Who shows up at the café every day?

Almost everyone in town
Just the mayor and city council members
Detective Starr
Robert Slate
Q. When do the Colonel, Mo and Dale decide to go search for Miss Lana at Mr. Jesse's house?

On Christmas Eve
In the middle of the night
During a break in the hurricane
At sunrise