What Happened to Goodbye Theme of Abandonment

Although Mclean's mom doesn't technically abandon her in What Happened to Goodbye, Mclean still feels the sting of betrayal and isolation. As far as she's concerned, when her mom cheated on her beloved pops, she pretty much shoved both of them out of her life—and now she has this fancy, shiny new life with a new rich husband and some new kids. Where's Mclean supposed to fit into that picture?

But her mom's not the only one who's leaving people in her wake; Mclean and her dad do the same to others whenever they move. They make friends—and start relationships—knowing that they'll have to (or choose to) end them when they move on again. In other words, when it comes to the Sweet family, there're a whole lot of people left in the dust.

Questions About Abandonment

  1. How does constantly leaving behind different towns and friends affect both Mclean and her dad?
  2. Why does Mclean feel so betrayed by her mom?
  3. Why don't Mclean and her dad say goodbye to people when they leave a place?
  4. How does Mclean feel about her mom marrying Peter Hamilton and having his babies?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Mclean abandons place after place without warning in order to mirror the trauma that her mom inflicted on her by leaving the family without warning.

Even though Mclean feels betrayed and abandoned by her mother, she still is there to provide support for her daughter.