What Happened to Goodbye Chapter 4 Summary

  • Mclean makes the mistake of answering her phone without checking the caller ID before class, and is dismayed when she realizes that it's her mom.
  • She's still mad at her mom for calling in the lawyers again to revisit the custody agreement just because Mclean doesn't want to visit her or go to Defriese University for college.
  • Her mom starts talking excitedly about how the beach house that Peter bought her is all done, and that maybe Mclean can visit for spring break; Mclean basically hangs up on her.
  • As she walks to class, she runs into Riley who asks if she's seen Dave. Apparently his parents are freaked out that he's changed so much (you know, into a normal teenager) since he started attending Jackson High—plus he's been in deep trouble ever since getting caught with a beer at a party.
  • By second period, Mclean's already missed two phone calls from her mother. Yeesh—talk about clingy.
  • She hates that her mom is bringing up the beach because that used to be what they did together—they'd randomly take road trips to the beach and stay at this old model called the Poseidon—and her best memories of her mom are from this time period.
  • By lunch, Mclean has a total of four messages. She skips through all the ones from her mom, but stops when she hears one from Opal about how her dad had an accident and is at the hospital.
  • She calls back in a straight-up tizzy and finds out that her dad just needs some stitches, but that he left his insurance card at home. Mclean offers to go home and pick it up, asking Deb to drive her to the hospital.
  • Deb leads her through the hospital and they find her dad—who really does seem okay—waiting with Opal. Mclean introduces Deb as her friend, which seems to really delight Deb. Poor thing… she should have a hospitality committee welcoming her.
  • A nurse comes in and starts hitting on Mclean's dad. Well, this is awkward. When he leaves, she even gives him her direct line—just in case he needs anything.