What Happened to Goodbye The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But I missed the Cream Ofs and the potato chips, the same way I missed everything about my old life. (2.6)

We're not sure who would miss cream-of-something soup in every single meal, but Mclean's still got a hankering for the stuff, mostly because it reminds her of home and when her family was still complete.

Quote #2

"Wait," he said, moving over to the next cabinet and opening it. Empty. "Is this… What's going on here? Are you, like, survivalists or something?" (8.245)

How embarrassing. Dave's caught Mclean and her dad in the act of being weird lone wolves who travel from place to place without accumulating much stuff… or food.

Quote #3

"Not that many, I said. He did not look convinced, so I added, "I've been living with Dad for almost two years… and I guess this is the fourth place. Or something." (8.258)

How can you possibly feel at home in any place if you're constantly picking up all your belongings and moving again? It's no wonder that Mclean and her dad can't form lasting relationships; they're practically nomads.