What Happened to Goodbye Chapter 16 Summary

  • When Mclean returns to Luna Blu, she finds Deb there working on the model. It's almost complete—they must have been working on it non-stop over spring break.
  • Deb informs her that she's been freaking out about the upcoming deadline, especially since they lost Dave, who got in trouble for sneaking out with the car. This whole time, Mclean thought he'd changed his mind about coming to see her that night, but he really got in trouble because of her.
  • When her parents came to the Poseidon, they both felt awful after learning about all the different personas she's had, and realized that the divorce has been way harder on her than they ever imagined.
  • She also told her mom about overhearing her conversation with the boutique woman, and her mom was horrified—she wasn't talking about Mclean at all. She was talking about the party she was throwing the next day.
  • Mclean admitted that she came to the Poseidon because it was the only place that felt familiar to her anymore.
  • They left the hotel and went to a diner together—all three of them together for the first time in forever—where they talked about the future, and what would be the best for Mclean. Both of her parents decided that she shouldn't go to Hawaii, and that she should live with her mom in Tyler.
  • When she brought all of her stuff back from the Poseidon, her mom found that she had the quilt that she'd made for Mclean. All the squares were made of Mclean's baby clothes, which she didn't know.
  • Now back in Lakeview, Deb and Mclean work on completing the model of the town. They're almost done with all the houses, but there are still hundreds of little people figurines to add to the model. Every town needs a population, after all.
  • Deb asks her whether she's moving away, and Mclean says that she has to. But Deb tells her that she can't just leave and not say goodbye like she did in all the previous moves; she has to keep in touch because they're real friends.
  • As she's walking to her house that night, she sees Dave coming outside. He's going to work on the model, and she tells him that she's so sorry about getting him in trouble and messing up his road trip plans.
  • She says that she's going to be moving next weekend, since her only two choices are to go to Hawaii or go back to Tyler—Dave tells her that she needs a third option though, and that she should look more closely to see if one exists for her. Who does this guy think he is, Yoda?
  • Mclean gets pretty brave and leans over to kiss Dave on the cheek and to thank him for being there for her. Looks like their mutual attraction is still burning strong.
  • Speaking of attraction… when Mclean gets inside the house, she sees her dad and Opal getting snuggly on the couch.
  • Mclean totally flips because she likes Opal as a person and doesn't want her dad to do his whole date-and-ditch routine with her. They both tell her to calm down though—they need to talk.