What Happened to Goodbye Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Of course everyone was talking. The neighbors, the sportswriters, the kids at my school. They were probably still talking, three years and twin little Hamiltons later, but thankfully, I was not around to hear it. (1.40)

Being stuck in the middle of juicy town gossip is the kind of thing that makes you not want to be a part of a community. That's certainly what happens to Mclean and her dad after her mom's scandalous affair.

Quote #2

"I started in high school. It was my first real job." She picked up the milk crate, moving it to the opposite wall, then folded the chairs, one by one. "Eventually, I left for college, but even then I came back and waited tables in the summers." (3.152)

At first it makes no sense that Opal would be so committed and attached to such a dumpy little restaurant. But it's not just a restaurant to her—it's a part of the community and a huge influence on her life.

Quote #3

"Parking! I did it for the parking," Opal told him. "But when I brought that up today, she totally ran a muddle on me about it. She started in about community responsibility and civic pride and I-"(5.97)

Opal may not be the best restaurant manager (or maybe she just doesn't have the best staff), but she's got a huge heart. Mclean's dad wants her to think of the bottom line all the time, but Opal is more swayed by helping the community—by making people happy and even allowing them to use the restaurant as a place for teenage delinquents to do community service hours.