What Happened to Goodbye Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"This is Deb," I said, nodding to where she stood at the curtain's opening, purse over her shoulder. "She gave me… She's my friend." (4.177)

She's been in Lakeview for a grand total of a couple days, and Mclean is already claiming the weirdest girl in school as her new friend. That's a bold move, Mclean—we like your style.

Quote #2

It was so cold, looking through my blurry gaze, but then, suddenly, I felt Dave slide his arm around my shoulders. He was warm and close, and at the same moment I realized this, I spotted the outline of Orion. Three, I thought, and then rested my head against him, closing my eyes. (7.199)

After that long basketball game and dinner with her mom and Peter, it's no wonder that Mclean needs someone to lean on. It's a good thing that Dave's there for her—and that he's got a nice, warm shoulder.

Quote #3

"Mclean," she said. "I'm sitting here with you, in the nurse's office, during my free period. That means we're friends." (8.55)

For such a savvy girl, Mclean can sure be dense sometimes. Somehow she didn't even notice that in Lakeview, she's made real friends, including one who will go with her to the nurse's office when she accidentally smacks herself in the face with a locker door.