The Colonel

Character Analysis

A Man of Mystery

The Colonel, who fishes Mo out of the creek when she's a baby, definitely comes from mysterious origins. He shows up in Tupelo Landing on the same night that Mo does… and he's lost his memory completely. Because of this, there are a lot of rumors floating around about the guy. Some people even say that he showed up with a suitcase full of money, and that he's on the run from the law:

Rumors swirl around the Colonel like ink around an octopus: that he's a retired warrior, or a paper-pusher. That he's from Atlanta, or Nashville. That he came to town broke or carrying a suitcase of cash. (3.69)

In the end, Detective Starr is able to show the Colonel proof of his background, which reveals that the Colonel was once Robert Slate's lawyer. This is stranger than fiction to all of the residents in Tupelo Landing, since they all know that the Colonel hates nothing more than lawyers. This hatred makes sense, though, when we think about what a terrible dude Robert Slate is and how badly the Colonel feels for getting the murderous thief such a light sentence.

Stoic but Caring

The Colonel isn't exactly the most affectionate man. He acts as Mo's guardian, but doesn't give her lots of hugs or tell her how much he adores his little girl. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't care for her or love her. When Mr. Jesse turns up dead, the Colonel drives over to Miss Rose's house immediately to pick up Mo and to make sure that she's safe. He even sleeps on the couch so that he'll be within easy reach if she hollers for him:

"Me too," I hesitated, staring toward my dark bedroom. "I can leave my door open tonight if you'd like. That way I can hear you, if you need me."

I caught the flicker of a smile in his dark eyes. "That might make me feel better," he said. "Perhaps I'll sleep on the sofa. That way it will be easier to find me if I call." (7.12-13)

The Colonel may not always seem like a family man, since he can be emotionally reserved and disappear for days at a time, but he would do anything for Mo and Miss Lana. They are his family and he'll protect them at all costs. No need to take our word for it—the guy proves it time and again in the book.