What Happened to Goodbye Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around What Happened to Goodbye? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What did Mclean think about how her parents met?

That it was the perfect love story
That it was super lame
That it would have been cooler if they met at a concert
That it was embarrassing
Q. Why does Mclean end up going to the Poseidon after she leaves her mom's beach house?

It reminds her of Dave
It's the only place where she feels at home
It's really ritzy and she wants to blow all of her mom and Peter's money
She knows her dad will find her there
Q. What does Dave want to do over the summer instead of going to Brain Camp?

Work at a coffee shop
Eat ice cream and play video games
Get arrested for the second time
Go on a road trip to Texas
Q. Why doesn't Mclean have anything in her kitchen cabinets?

She doesn't know how to cook
It's easier to pack up and move when you have less stuff
She threw it all away when she was mad at her dad
Her mom got to keep all the cupcake tins in the divorce
Q. Why does Mclean's mom decide to let her stay in Lakeview at the end of the book?

She doesn't want to deal with having another kid
She wants an excuse to keep an eye on Opal now that she's dating Mclean's dad
She doesn't want to uproot Mclean again
She forgets to pick Mclean up on the day they're supposed to move