The Crystal Cave Theme of Ambition

In a story full of kings and kingdoms at war, there's plenty of ambition to go around in The Crystal Cave. It's clear that characters like Uther and Vortigern desire power over men and a chance to show their military strength and skill. But what about characters like Ambrosius and Merlin?

Although Ambrosius has some pretty decisive goals, he sees himself as a small part of a larger plan. He knows that taking the throne from Vortigern means preserving Britain from a major and lasting Saxon invasion (they do stay for a really long time, even despite this).

Merlin jumps on the legacy bandwagon with Ambrosius. His real ambition, like Ambrosius', is to be part of something bigger. He believes he's been chosen by "the god" for a specific task: to bring King Arthur into the world. And why is that such a big deal?

If you've ever seen the Sword in the Stone, you already know that answer to that one.

Questions About Ambition

  1. How does Uther's desire to rule compare with Ambrosius'? Do they want the throne of Britain for the same reasons?
  2. What part does Merlin play in all the shuffling of power that goes on in this book? What does he get out of it?
  3. Why is Merlin's mom so worried that he will fall to the sin of pride?
  4. What are Merlin's personal ambitions in this work? Where do we see them on display?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Ambrosius is willing to convert to Christianity because he knows that he can't hold the throne of Britain without the support of the Church.

Ygraine seeks Merlin's help because she wants to achieve her goals without paying the price for her ambitions.