The Crystal Cave Book Three, Chapter 12 Summary

  • Merlin goes out to Vortigern, who's checking out the excavations for the dragons Merlin promised him.
  • Vortigern sees Merlin's dragon brooch, and it has him reaching for his sword. He doesn't slice and dice Merlin, but he's on his guard. So they wait for the crew to find something.
  • And of course, there's nothing beneath the pool once it's drained. Awkward.
  • But just at that moment, the wind catches Vortigern's banner (with a white dragon on it) and tosses it into the mud. Also, a comet blazes across the sky. It's called "the dragon of fire."
  • Merlin takes his chance. He tells Vortigern that these are the dragons he spoke of—and that they mean that King's Fort won't protect the king. He needs to flee to his own country.
  • So Merlin's saved by superstition and folklore, and he knows what moves Vortigern will make. Slam dunk.
  • In the hubbub following Merlin's predictions, Cadal spirits him away. He's stolen two horses especially for the moment.
  • On the way out, Merlin and Cadal run into Gorlois of Cornwall, who is loyal to Ambrosius. They travel together to rendezvous with Ambrosius, who lands in Britain three days later.